ATLAS HO Code 100 Mark V Turnout, Customline, No. 6 Left
This Atlas Code 100 Custom-Line Mark V Turnout features nickel silver rail and black plastic ties that match other Atlas Code 100 trackage. This turnout can be set up as a remote or manual switch with your choice of Atlas switch machines (sold separately). The turnout comes equipped with a metal frog, complete with a conveniently placed power lug so you can avoid soldering underneath the turnout should you choose to power the frog. Turnout points are also made of cast metal. A scale-sized throw bar with the extension on the straight stock rail side, as well as separately molded frog guard rails are molded in a realistic metal color. Custom Line turnouts feature Code 100 low-oxidation nickel silver rail with a realistic cross-section and scale-sized molded spike heads for realism. For track planning purposes Code 100 Custom-Line Mark V Turnouts are not interchangeable with Atlas Snap Switch turnouts in layout plans.
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